QC United offers several camps throughout the year and are open to QC members as well as non-QC members.
Where: QC Facility (1560A McDonald St)
Age groups: U9 (2016 & 2017), U11 (2014 & 2015) & U13 (2012 &2013) age groups
U9-U13 - Full Day, Half Day(Morning or Afternoon) options
Morning only - 9:00am-Noon
Afternoon only - 1:00-4:00pm
Full day - 9:00am-4:00pm
Full Day - $157.50
Half Day - $94.50
Kicking In the New Year Soccer Camp
December 30th, 31st, 2024 and January 1st, 2025
Registration Opens November 20th!
February Break Soccer Camp
February 17th, 18th and 19th, 2025
Registration Opens January 1st!
Easter Break Soccer Camp
April 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 2025
Registration Opens February 1st!
QC Store/Office Open
QC Facility - 1560A McDonald St. - QC Store